T-Data Request

T-MEDNet Database on coastal thermal environnement

T-MEDNet data is open access. For Monitoring mortality, Mass Mortality Events and Climate Fish you can download the requested datasets directly from the dedicated Explore pages. The only requirement is to be registered in T-MEDNet network.



For Temperature data please follow the instructions below.


To request data, you must select 1 site:


Temporarily without figures Between 1 and 5 year series Between 5 and 10 years series More than 10 years series
  • Sardinia: Capo Caccia_(Il Nereo) [Change]


And then fill this form:






Data and publication policy


1-Data is made available by the scientific coordinators of the network via the T-MEDNet website.

For this purpose, the scientific coordinators:

· Centralize the data transmitted by Network members.

· Perform data quality control.

· Update data base and registry on received data request.

· Ensure compliance with the recognition rules due to T-MEDNet and the authors of the data.


2-Request for data

All requests are made to the site managers and the T-MEDNet network. The request must include the identification of the applicant organization, the contact details of the user and the scientific objectives underlying the application.

Anyone requesting T-MEDNet data must be aware of the information below and must undertake to comply with it (see the Use of conditions).

Data requests can be done directly online by clicking on the desired site on the list above and filling the request form that will appear.


3-Use of data

The data is transmitted to the applicant who undertakes to use them only in the context of the application and not to transmit them to anyone else. Any presentation or publication using the T-MEDNet data should be sent to the relevant site managers and to the coordinators of the Network at the time of submission. The integration of the PIs of the Sites and the Network (authors of the data) could go from thanks, in the case of a simple reference to the data, to the association as co-author in the case of value added induced by the interpretation of the basic data.

The source of the data must appear explicitly in the publications using them (data provided by the regional temperature observation network T-MEDNet, www.t-mednet.org, site "name of site contact", " name of institution "). The PIs of each site are likely to propose a specific sentence of additional acknowledgments.

This implies that a new application must be submitted to T-MEDNet, for any use other than that of the original application, any reproduction, representation, use or modification, whatever the medium or method used.

The T-MEDNet data can not be used for any commercial or contractual purposes giving rise to financing without permission.



The information that we ask you to provide will only be used for statistical purposes on the framework for the use of T-MEDNet data. To ensure the confidentiality of your personal information collected, it will not be used for prospecting purposes and will not be passed on to our various partners. In other words, we will not disclose this information to anyone.